Software Developer

A software developer is the technical and creative mind behind computer, server and mobile programs. They design, build and maintain software that is used to run a variety of devices and networks. 

A degree in Computer Science is often required, along with strong analytical, communication and problem solving skills. A software developer should have working knowledge of industry trends and be up-to-date on the various programming languages available.


Software developers work with various members of an organization (management, IT, etc.), and independently to complete projects.  Software developers need to be intrinsically motivated, and be able to work within a team setting. 

He is a list of software developer skills

  • Ability to Work Independently and Within Groups
  • Analyze User Needs
  • Analytical Thinking
  • Background in Programming or Computer Science/Engineering
  • Build Business Logic of Software
  • Comfortable Writing and Analyzing SQL Queries 
  • Create Complex Databases for Organizations 
  • Create Flow Charts
  • Critical Thinking
  • Design, Test, and Develop Software to Meet User Needs
  • Develop Software Applications
  • Develop Software From Scratch 
  • Document Application Process for Future Maintenance and Upgrades
  • Ensure Software Functions Normally Through Software Maintenance and Testing
  • Estimate Project Cost
  • Estimate Scope of Project
  • Execute Test Plans
  • Hands-On Software Troubleshooting Experience
  • Knowledge of Backend Development Best Practices
  • Maintain User Manuals and Training Materials
  • Manage Project Build Lifecycle 
  • Monitor Software Performance Tests
  • Provide Input to Improve Business Processes
  • Provide Reports as Necessary
  • Recommend Software Upgrades
  • Research and Consult About Potential Software and/or System Changes
  • Revise Programs for Corrections, Enhancements, or Environment Changes
  • Share Knowledge and Expertise with Fellow Team Members
  • Solid Understanding of Company’s Needs
  • Source Control Management Experience
  • Strong Problem Solver
  • Strong Oral and Written Communication
  • Thorough Understanding of Data Structures and Algorithms  
  • Understand Software Design Patterns
  • Write and Maintain SoftwareSoftware developer

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